In a recent posting, we discussed “journey mapping” as a tool for improving customer experiences in the healthcare sector. This week, we share thoughts on “design thinking,” an approach that is described as “a human-centered way of…
Axpert X is the latest version of Axpert. Now you can build anything and everything in the Web. The idea for Axpert X Web came from the inspiration of Card Layout. The new home page is designed on a Card Layout theme. There are loads of great features and bug fixes, which makes Axpert truly extensible.
The following are some of the new features and enhancements in Axpert X.
- Advanced Installer
- Automatic Patches & Version Updates
- A new card layout-inspired home page
- Home page designer
- Widget Builder
- Customizable in-built Widget types
- Theme Selector
- Interactive Reports
- Interactive Dashboard
- Charts & KPI’s using Highcharts
- New Improved Material Design UI
- Improved Accessibility
- Wizard based Data Import & Export
- Iview/Report Builder
- Add Field to Tstruct from Web
- new Data Grid
- NodeJS Server
- MariaDB Support
- In-memory Database Redis support
- Improved Globalization
- Item level Help
- Global Action and Data Search
- New Drop Down Menu with customization
- Improved Performance
- Improved User Experience
- Bug fixes
Please look forward for plenty of great features in future releases.