
One Platfrom.
Multiple Domains.
Multiple Solutions.

What is Axpert?

Axpert is a versatile low-code platform that allows individuals and organizations to build custom applications across various domains with ease, eliminating the need for extensive manual coding and streamlining the development process.

What is Axpert?

Axpert is a versatile low-code platform that allows individuals and organizations to build custom applications across various domains with ease, eliminating the need for extensive manual coding and streamlining the development process.

Axpert Guide

A handbook for developers to create applications using Axpert

Release Notes

Data archive of our latest releases

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Download Axpert Desktop 32 Bit or 64 Bit based on your requirements.


Axpert Guide

A handbook for developers to create applications using Axpert


Release Notes

Data archive of our latest releases


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Download Axpert Desktop 32 Bit or 64 Bit based on your requirements.

Why Axpert?

Choose Axpert for its expertise and commitment to delivering quality low-code solutions, empowering organizations to drive digital transformation and achieve their business goals efficiently and effectively

Why Axpert?

Axpert’s expertise and commitment to delivering quality low-code solutions empower organizations to drive digital transformation and achieve their business goals efficiently and effectively. Axpert offers unmatched ease, adaptability, and cost efficiency. Axpert’s user-friendly platform saves you 50% in development time and costs. Plus, our pre-made templates make crafting powerful applications effortless.

Guide Topics

Axpert 11
Axpert apps are built by defining forms, reports, lists, widgets, and writing scripts to achieve some complex tasks. The various utilities and tools that are packed with Axpert development environment enable users to create enterprise-class apps on the fly.
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TStructs (Forms)
Axpert apps are built by defining forms, reports, lists, widgets, and writing scripts to achieve some complex tasks. The various utilities and tools that are packed with Axpert development environment enable users to create enterprise-class apps on the fly.
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IViews provide the result of an SQL statement displayed as a tabular report. The SQL may have parameters. Parameter values are accepted by the user at run time. Each column may have hyperlinks that may be used to drill down to another IView or open TStruct/form along with form data.
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Scripts are used to achieve complex tasks. A script is written using the Axpert functions. It is given a unique name. Scripts can be executed on events or on a button click. See the section on Axpert Jobs to execute scripts background as scheduled jobs.
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Axpert Jobs
Axpert Jobs are defined to run scheduled background jobs. Background jobs can be configured to run on a specific day or in specified time intervals. Use the Axpert Jobs option in the Axpert Developer site to create an Axpert Job. The function that is to be performed by a job is defined as a script.Scripts can be used to
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Axpert Cards (Widgets)
Widgets are defined as Axpert Cards. The widgets will be displayed on the main page after the user logs in. Each card is assigned to one or more roles. The type of widget displayed depends on the card type.
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HTML Plug-Ins
HTML pages can be added to Axpert. These pages can be accessed from the Axpert menu. Use the HTML pages option on Axpert developer site.
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Users & Roles
User logins, roles and responsibilities can be created in Axpert run time. These options are available in Admin console.Create responsibilities by giving a name. Tick the menu options to which this responsibility has access. Click on the hyper link of any tstruct or iview to provide field level access rights.
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Work Flow
Work flows are enabled at the tstruct/form level. This property is available in form properties. The forms for which work flow is enabled are listed in work flow definition screen. Select the form and click on the New Work flow button.
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Axpert API
The core layer of Axpert are a collection of web and REST services. These services can be accessed at the same URL where Axpert is deployed. Use the Axpert API request and response string formats using the “Axpert API” option under Utils in Axpert developer site.
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Application Var/Params
Application variables are values that are available to a user in the application. Application variables can be added by defining the variable name and variable value. The variable value may be a constant value. Data from the database may be read and assigned to these vars.
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Publish Axpert Apps
Enterprise-class apps need separate instances for development, testing and production. The publish option can be used to move the meta data of forms, reports or any of the Axpert components from one server to another. The URL, connection string & the database connection parameters are accepted for each server.
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Axpert Mobile
Download Axpert from the Google play store or Apple store. On installation of this app, you can connect to your Axpert schema by providing the URL & Schema details. Alternatively, log in to the Axpert application on a desktop through a browser.
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Download the latest Axpert version from the website. Create two folders AxpertWeb, AxpertDeveloper, in one of the drives on the system to have axpert. Select the path of these folders while installing.
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This option lets users access the database directly from the Axpert developer site. This will provide access to the developer to all database objects like tables, views, triggers, procedures etc. Developers will be allowed to create new database objects or edit the existing ones through this option.
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The main page means the HTML related to the side menu bar, title bar, and the settings in Axpert. This can be changed as per the style required by the user. For example, the user may want a different title bar, top menu bar instead of a side menu bar. The user may change the style, color, and fonts on the main page.
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This document will explain you about the webservices which are extremely used in axpert mobile application, these webservices take an input in JSON format and provides the result in JSON format.
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This document will explain you about the webservices which are extremely used in axpert mobile application, these webservices take an input in JSON format and provides the result in JSON format.
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